Tuesday, December 15, 2009

American Nightmare

Very rarely does one come across a DVD documentary as transformative as "Food Inc". It highlights effectively the tragi-comedy of the current generational crisis this country is undergoing. With no external forces to counterbalance extremes in behaviour, the food industry has gone beserk in its never ending pursuit for 'more, more, more" profit.

The system has been taken over by freshly minted MBAs and "highly rational" technicians who have created an artificial system due to cheap corn derived from government subsidies.

Like any man made artificial system, unintended consequences surface- in this case E coli outbreaks and a plethora of unhealthy food products based on corn); the ever enterprising but misguided enterpreneur comes up novel solutions based on technology to solve the sympton (e.g. Mechanical Engineer and CEO of a Beef processing company demonstrating how he solved the E coli problem by "nuking" his beef products with ammonia based process).

The juxtaposition of the Beef processing company CEO and the Polyface farmer who beleives in honouring the "pigness" of the the pig is just plain hilarious

Highly recommended- the DVD reveals a much deeper commentary on the current American psyche than just the state of affairs of the food industry

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